Christ almighty.

Secret Service Agents Help Adorable Ducks Scamper Through White House Fence


I am so rolling my eyes right now.

Who DOESN’T have this phobia?!??

Anatidaephobia – The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck

What is Anatidaephobia?

Anatidaephobia is defined as a pervasive, irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck. The anatidaephobic individual fears that no matter where they are or what they are doing, a duck watches.

Read on…

….The symptoms of Anatidaephobia vary from person to person. Some people, when confronted with their fear, may feel slightly uncomfortable, become nauseated or begin to perspire. Others are so severely compromised by this phobia, that they experience crippling anxiety and/or panic attacks.

Other symptoms of Anatidaephobia can include:

  • A Dry Mouth
  • Gasping or Shortness of Breath
  • Muscle Tension
  • Overall Trembling
  • Hyperventilation
  • Feeling Out of Control
  • Feeling Trapped and Unable to Escape
  • Overwhelming Feeling of Impending Disaster (italics MINE!)




this website seriously freaks me out.

the ongoing debate on healthcare for ducks

dog attack

adorable animal story alert

Via the dcist:

An AP story is making the rounds of the broadcast outlets (WTOP has some of its own reporting as well) about how D.C. firefighters rescued a bunch of baby ducklings from a storm drain near 16th and U Streets NW early this morning. Neighbors called the fire department after the mama duck alerted them to her babies’ predicament with her incessant honking. From WTOP: “Three firefighters from Engine Company No. 9, which is right next to the alley, went into action, pulling off the drain’s cover and getting out a bucket. One held the legs of Sgt. Michael Engels as he reached down and scooped the swimming ducks into the bucket.” Pretty cute. All the little ducklings are safe and sound and have been turned over to animal control.


Finally, ppl be getting serious about teh duck problem

duck nuisance

ducks in trucks

Duck rides shotgun   

vid of duck

Way, way, way too many ducks

donald duck

why teh female blue ducks are blue

Blue Ducks likely to die out in UK after male birds get together


Via buzzfeed: It’s slightly sad that this will ultimately mean the end of Blue Ducks in the UK, but it’s better that the last ducks be happy together instead of being forced into some loveless marriage.

Ducks has many secrets
